Confession: I Googled My Ex

Yes. I did. And I'm woman enough to admit it. (Are you?)

Here's the setup: I was home. Husband was out at his company holiday party to which I, ahem, was not invited. (Stay tuned for future post on this one.) My face was swollen and beautifully black and blue from an intense bout of gum surgery. The girls were sleeping. I was bored. Not yet ready to call it a night. And so. I went - where else? To Facebook. I saw an update from an old college friend. The update was about how her little girl was in the hospital over the Thanksgiving holiday. Of course I was interested. I clicked on through. And suddenly I was glimpsing this family's world. Their struggles. Their strengths. Their sweet little kids. And then, suddenly, I was looking at pictures from their twins' recent birthday party. And there was a picture of another guy I knew in college. A nice guy. A guy I always liked. And it took me a while to think of it this way, but soon enough I did: These were my ex's friends. Sure, they were my friends too, but they came by way of him and his team and his connections. So of course I was suddenly thinking about him. Wondering where he is.

And so. I looked him up on Facebook. And I was bizarrely relieved to see that he wasn't there (or that I couldn't find him). But then I took this one step further: I Googled him. And suddenly I was face to face with his Linked In profile. It was him. It was his resume. It seems that he has been up to wonderful things professionally, and he appears to be quite successful. I'm happy to know this. Even though I have not seen this guy or spoken to him in a very long time, he was an important character in my story and I genuinely hope he is well and happy.

That's it. Hardly a salacious little story. But I felt a bit weird after this. When Husband came home from his party, I promptly confessed that I Googled The Ex. I told him what I learned. He smiled. A sweet smile. A smiled that said: So what? You're silly.

Have you ever Googled your exes? Come on, be honest. Funny stories? Share 'em. Do you find Facebook and its brethren Internet technologies to be at once amazing and alarming?

**As I mentioned yesterday, I am trying to make a genuine effort to plug back in here, to achieve that old school Aidan interactiveness or some approximation thereof. So leave a comment and I will come find you or respond. And, again, I am looking for ideas for additions to my upcoming edited blogroll.**


The No Spouse Zone


A Decade Ago