So. We are now officially one week into our 21-day cleanse. I'm not going to lie: The first several days were rough. The hardest part, by far, was no caffeine. As you all know, I am a big coffee drinker, a Starbucks/Bean girl through and through, and I enjoyed a lovely near-permanent, dull headache for days. The other hard part has been socializing. On Saturday night, for date night, Husband and I went to see Lincoln. And it was a wonderful movie, but not a fun movie. You know what else was not fun? Eating no dinner, having no glass of wine, no late-night cupcake. Without all of these delicious accoutrements, the night felt kind of flavorless. In the last few days, I've felt not only better but really good. I have tons of energy and have been sleeping really well. My cravings for fatty, salty, sugary foods have all but subsided and I am cool with my Clean Program shakes and lunches of salad and chicken breast, etc. I've been eating lots of nuts and dried organic mango for what it's worth.

And last night! Last night, I went out with all the moms in Big Girl's class. We went to this super-cute Italian restaurant on the Upper East. We gathered around little tables full of yummy bites and wine. And I indulged in a big bottle of sparkling water and a mint tea at evening's end. I told everyone about this silly cleanse and they didn't seem to care that I was all boring and abstemious, but they just felt bad about eating the burrata in front of me. It turned out to be an amazing, laughter-filled night. I was even one of the stragglers, staying out for a bit even after many of the moms headed home. Who says you need to be eating and drinking to have a good time?

Anyway, I'm feeling good about this cleanse thing. I know the first week is the toughest, so I'm happy to have it behind me. Two more weeks to go! Oh, and I've lost a half a pound :)


A Love Letter to You


On Sameness & Difference