Novel News: A Hardcover Deal for THE RAMBLERS!


I'm so thrilled to announce that after four-plus years of writing, editing and periodic 4:30am lunacy, I've just sold my second novel THE RAMBLERS to the wonderful Lucia Macro at William Morrow (Harper Collins). I'm so incredibly grateful to my brilliant/abidingly patient agent Brettne Bloom who gave me the time and space and guidance I needed to wrestle properly with this story and who just negotiated the hardcover deal. We are awaiting publication date details, but I wanted to share the news and, more importantly, say THANK YOU. For your love and support in my "real world" and in this magically odd "vitu-real" ether of which I've grown inordinately - and perhaps problematically - fond. I so look forward to working with Lucia and her Morrow colleagues to bring this book into the world!

For a little flavor on the book, here's the Publisher's Marketplace announcement:

Life After Yes author and host of the popular Happier Hour literary salons on the Upper West Side Aidan Donnelley Rowley's THE RAMBLERS, set over the course of a week in November, the book follows three lost souls--an ornithologist with a tragic past, a professional organizer whose own life is in shambles, and a photographer torn between commercialism and art--as they navigate their way to happiness in New York City, to Lucia Macro at William Morrow, in a significant deal, in an exclusive submission, by Brettne Bloom at Kneerim, Williams & Bloom (World English).


November 24, 2014. 9:07am. I just posted the above announcements on Facebook and Instagram and it's so wonderful to be able to share my news and to have already heard from so many people, but my goodness, I also feel shaky. I'm trying to figure out why. Maybe because this all feels kind of dizzying and overwhelming? Maybe because this has been such a solo affair, sitting alone staring into a bright screen, often at hours when no one else is awake? Maybe because I hoped against hope this day would come, but wasn't sure it would. Years ticked by since my first novel and I knew I was working hard, but also knew that there are zero guarantees. I don't know. Anyway, here I am on this rainy day in November, inches from Thanksgiving, and I feel wildly grateful. To be here. To have the opportunity to type these words. To have a wonderful agent and editor. To have all of you here reading along.

So, thank you. Again and again.

And again.




Do not wait for life.