momma brain The other day, I was trading emails with my friend The Kitchen Witch (or "Kitch" as she is affectionately known in this neck of the bloggy woods). Anyway, in one of my emails to her, I closed by asking her how her "belly baby" was. No, that's not the uber-popular "baby belly." That would've been cuter. But I was going for unique. And so. I said "belly baby" as in how is the baby in your belly?

(Who says this? Why not an old school "how are you feeling?")

Anyway, Kitch responded. Was kind. And then at the end of her email, she said, "What belly baby?" And as I read her words, I turned white. (I think. I didn't have a mirror. I must have though.)

Truth be told, I was multi-tasking. Emailing two (okay, about seven) people at once. And information about one person bled with the next and I ended up asking this friend about her pregnancy and she is decidedly not pregnant.

And so. I promptly apologized. Hit send. And then beat myself up. Big time. And then I got the most wonderful email back from Kitch which read:

Eh, who gives a shit? I arrived for [my daughter's] parent-teacher conference an entire day early, so I think we all have the same dang Mommy Brain. We're all losing it, truthfully.

Now. Those of you who know me know that I don't curse on this blog. And if I were staying true to my mommy morals, I would have edited the above and said "Eh, who gives a shiitake?" But sometimes. Sometimes, life calls for a naughty little word.

And so.


I have Mommy Brain.


  • Tell me about your best (or worst) Mommy Brain (or Daddy Brain or Human Being Brain) moments and make me feel a bit better. Pretty please.
  • Have you ever gotten in trouble while corresponding with several people at once over email?
  • Do you think something actually happens to our brain once we become parents (or just older creatures) that makes us do really embarrassing things?
  • Do you make exception to your moral/interpersonal rules every now and then?
  • Will you forgive me for cursing?
  • (Will I forgive me for cursing?)

ILI DAILY CHARM: SISTER C PASSED THE NY BAR EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three months ago, on the day Sister C sat for the New York State Bar Exam, I wrote a post called Baby Before Bar in which I expressed my pride in C for doing things her own way. For welcoming her gorgeous little guy before sitting for that dreadful but necessary test. I said then that I had immense faith that all would go well and that she would pass that beast of an exam. And she did! Congrats, C! I am so so proud. And thrilled that Mommy Brain didn't sabotage your testing efforts :)


Whom Are You Hurting?


The Katie Holmes Question