“Better keep yourself clean and bright. You are the window through which you must see the world.”

George Bernard Shaw

Yes and no.

Yes, we are the windows through which we glimpse existence. We must keep ourselves clean and clear, buffed and bright, so that we can see, and celebrate.

But aren't our children our windows, too? Don't we see through them, and with them? Don't they give us a second - and infinite - chance to view the colors and creatures of our cosmos? Through their eyes and their minds, things are new again. The world is once more a rainbow wonderland, full of endless objects and boundless beauty. We must take care of them, our little windows, for they too are delicate. We must do what we can to keep them clean and bright and open to life's light.

Isn't this what parenting is after all? Teaching them how to become their own windows, how to see, how not to break?


Do you think we are the windows through which we see the world? Do you think this metaphor is compelling? Do you think children allow us to relive and re-imagine?


Stopping to Stare


Sweet Relief