"Nothing determines who we will become so much as those things we choose to ignore."

Sandor McNab

I am not sure who Sandor McNab is, but I plan to find out before publishing this post. Why? Because these words just gave me chills. I kid not. I have been thinking a lot about identity, about who I once was, and who I will be, and who I am becoming at this very instant. Those of you who come here everyday will know that I am struggling sweetly to juggle my many sides. And I am. Struggling. Thinking. Questioning. Dreaming. Doubting. Writing. Wandering. Wishing. All of it.

My brain is busy.

But now. Now I'm thinking about this in another way, coming at these questions from a different angle. It's not just about what I'm doing, but what I'm not doing. It's not just about what I'm focusing on but about what I'm ignoring. Wow. True. Scary.

Scary because I think I'm ignoring important things. I think we all are. I think there are things we'd rather not do or face or figure out. I think we all have baggage, tightly zipped, stacked high, that we'd rather not unpack because it will create a mess. But what is the cost of this, of this temporary or permanent putting off?

I don't know. I really don't. But I am thinking about this, and seriously, because I think this matters. Who we become matters, doesn't it? So maybe, just maybe, we need to be careful about what we choose to ignore, about those bags we neglect to unpack.

Okay, this is kind of intriguing. It turns out I'm not the only one who doesn't know who Sandor McNab is. Click here. Many say that Sandor McNab is the creation of a man named Sam Keen. Well, whoever he is, whether he exists or as a discrete individual or the alter ego of another, I like his words.


Do you agree that our identity is informed by those things we choose to ignore? Are there any quotes that give you chills? How often do you ponder questions of identity and evolution? Any clue about this mysterious Sandor McNab fellow?


Tomorrow Is My Birthday


Come to the Edge