Three years ago today I wrote my first blog post. It remains one of my very favorites. To celebrate this impending milestone, I treated myself to a very shmancy gift: a site redesign. My hope was that the new and improved blog would be ready to launch today, but alas we have a bit more work to do. It will be here soon though and I can't wait to share it with you. As I trust you will see, the site is the same and different. Streamlined. Evolved. Like I am three years later.

For now, here's a little taste: my new logo. As you will see the letters are different. They are my letters. As is the color. Yellow. Bright yellow. NYC taxi cab yellow. Listen to me because I have something to say yellow. I love it.

A profound thanks to all of you who have been reading my words over the past three years. For letting me come here day after day to think, to ask, to write. For allowing me to be real and to be raw, to explore my many sides - parent, professional, person. It sounds cheesy and downright dramatic, but who I am today, on this tenth day of April 2012, is due in no small part to this odd little corner of the cyber cosmos, and to all of you.

So. Thank you again. From the bottom of my insecure and inspired bloggy heart. And please stay tuned for my new site. I hope very much that you love it and lose yourself there, and that you stick with me. Because three years is nothing; I plan to be, and to become, in this world for a long, long time.

Three years! Thank you :)


Nostalgia. Already.


Feeling Quiet.