I tell myself things. That everything is material. That creativity begets creativity. But the truth of the matter is that I have a PhD in Procrastination. Most recently, I have been procrastinating writing my novel with other creative endeavors. I have fallen in love with taking pictures of everything from my creatures to concrete. I have fallen in love with doctoring said pictures - adding cool effects and interesting words to them. I have taught myself iMovie. I made a fun ADR video I will share (once I teach myself Vimeo).

Here's the thing: I have also fallen in love, re-fallen in love, with blogging. I'm not sure it was the ADR facelift that did this, but this fresh start has certainly been invigorating and inspiring. But something happened - and recently - and I am so excited to write words here, and get your comments, and respond to your comments even though it takes time.

All of this stuff? It takes away from my book-writing. And that makes me feel bad, but maybe it shouldn't. Maybe I'm not exactly procrastinating as much as I am taking my time, and finding my way? I'd like to think that all of this stuff I'm doing matters, that all of it is part of something bigger I'm working toward. I'd like to think that in being so creatively (and happily) scattered, I am actually headed somewhere.

It's highly likely that I am just rationalizing again. Alas.

Do you have your PhD in Procrastination? Do you think we should let ourselves wander creatively? How much wandering is too much wandering? How much focusing is too much focusing?


Does the Weather Affect You?


Red. White. Blue. (& You.)