20130924-105841.jpgI'm so excited.

In just a few hours, 70+ women will arrive at our place for a Happier Hour with the fantastic author J. Courtney Sullivan. I've loved all three of Courtney's novels - Commencement, Maine and her most recent best-sellerThe Engagements. Courtney and I share a literary agent, the incomparable Brettne Bloom of Kneerim, Williams & Bloom and through Brettne, I've had the privilege of getting to know Courtney a bit over the years. She's as wonderful as the stories she writes.

Anyway, I have high hopes for this evening. I envision laughter and questions, food and drink, connection and conversation. I have no doubt that it will be another magical night in the yellow living room.



5 Things I Learned Last Night


Boring or Evolved?