You Can’t Cancel Passion


We were all counting down to the spring soccer season. And now, well, it looks like there might be no spring soccer season. This is a real loss for our little kickers and for us. Truth: I might be the most bummed.

What’s amazed me is how cool the girls have been about all of this. They miss their teammates and coaches and competitive play tremendously, but they are rolling with it. What’s amazed me most is that they’re outside for several hours each day working. Working on their own skills, their own games. They aren’t doing it because they must, or to get credit or accolades, but because they truly love it, because they’re passionate.

Over the past few strange and surreal weeks, it’s occurred to me that this is one of the things that can’t be canceled, that the global pandemic can’t touch: passion.

As I write these very words, the late afternoon sun comes through the windows and warms my toes and I hear the rhythmic thud of a daughter juggling outside.

It’s a soothing sound, a heartbeat of these times.


What I Did Last Night


Quarantine Life