What I Did Last Night


After we tuck the girls in, I get into bed and I look at my phone. It’s not a good habit, particularly these days. I swipe and scroll and squint the screen and I read news articles that are interesting and important and fuel my anxiety. No bueno.

But something else happened last night. I’m in a few Facebook groups and on one such group for mothers in my Manhattan neighborhood, a fellow mom wrote a heartbreaking message. The gist - as far as I could gather with my exhausted 11pm eyes - was that she’s a single mom who’s lost her job because of the pandemic. She was honest and articulate and said she was in desperate need of some money to buy her baby diapers and formula, that she also needed some household supplies like dishwasher liquid. She mentioned that she’d been trying to set up Unemployment and had been on hold much of the day. At the end of the message, she said she wanted to sell a few things around her house to try to raise the money she needs right now.

I was late to the game, but tears filled my eyes and my immediate thought was: I must help her. And, believe me, I wasn’t alone. Dozens of moms had already left messages indicating a desire to help. Moms offered to bring their own extra supplies to drop outside this woman’s home. Many asked this mom to set up an Amazon Wishlist so we could buy her precisely what she needs. Someone asked her to share her Venmo handle so we could help, which she did. Before going to sleep, I sent this fellow mom some money via Venmo.

I’m not telling you this to pat myself on the back. Truly. I’m telling you this because I believe that there are many big and small ways we can help people right now. Some of us can volunteer our medical talent or expertise. Some of us can send meals to the health care heroes (I continue to do this; let me know if you’d like to help!). Some of us can write stories or articles highlighting the complexity of our current situation. There are infinite ways.

This is a reminder for all of us to keep our eyes and ears - and most of all, hearts - open for the ways we can help right now.


Just Be


You Can’t Cancel Passion